2nd transnational meeting in Reus
The second transnational meeting took place on 18-19 April 2023, hosted by OpenEurope in Reus, Spain.
12 delegates representing 6 partner organisations from Lithuania, Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia, attended the meeting.
The aim of this meeting was to discuss the quality of the materials prepared so far within Project Result 2: selected tools that can be helpful for case studies and action plans developed to support educators. All the materials were peer-reviewed and fine-tuned according to the feedback received.
The partners also discussed the embedding the materials on the platform – in an accessible way – and their testing with two teachers and 2 groups of students involved by each partner. The objective of this activity is to test if the chosen tools suit the needs of the students and can help to detect the problem of a students. The results of the testing will be reported by each partner and a summative partnership report will be prepared.
The partners clarified the further steps of the project, namely the development of Result 3: Videos describing a case study (based in those collected for Result 2) to promote diversity. The partners agreed to create 18 videos in total, duration of each – 1 minute. Each video will be presented at the workshops organised at schools and evaluated by teachers and students. When the final version of the videos is confirmed, the partners will prepare subtitles and audio/voice over to make a video more accessible for students with special needs.
The partners also discussed reporting documents, deadlines to present them and agreed on the dates of the next transnational meeting that will be organised in Torino, Italy.